ellen wearing blue Atlantic Poncho on cover of cozy coastal nits

There are a lot of choices out there for the little things that make life a little easer. So, as people recommend things to me, and I use them, I’ll start adding them here for everyone else to try too. It doesn’t need to be a knitting or crochet related item, we could all use a little less stress in our lives.

First up, my book, Cozy Coastal Knits, it’s available here from me directly, I’ll sign it for you too.

If you prefer an electronic copy, I have you covered, you can purchase it here from Amazon:


Knitting and crochet are part of a lifestyle, one in which we treasure the little things like a walk in the park, free time, reading, and homemade meals with friends and/or family. In addition to my love of all things fiber, I enjoy making bread. As a busy consultant I don’t always have time to do so in a traditional way, corners need to be cut to fit everything into a 24 hour day so when I want fresh bread, which is all the time, I let the bread maker make my dough, punch it down myself and bake it in a loaf pan in the oven. The loaf comes out perfectly and I don’t have to worry about the humidity and temperature in the house while it rises. I put in the ingredients, press START and while the machine does its magic, I go about my day.

The machine I used for 14 years was beginning to be unbelievably expensive to keep running. I am not sure if it was planned obsolesce, poor design or simply cheap materials, I suspect it was a combination of all three things. Every few months I needed a replacement pan or paddle because the non-stick coating would begin to fail. Not wanting to conduct my own health study as to the dangers of non-stick materials I always replaced them, $82 for the pan, $12 for the paddle. Today enough was enough, out it’s going and a new one is now on the counter. To be honest, I don’t like it. Let me know if you have one and which one you use. I’d love a recommendation for one without a teflon pan or paddle, options are limited I know.



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