There are a lot of options out there when you want to pick up a good book or need a reference book. To help save you some time, here are a few of the books on my shelf that I find the most useful for my crochet and knitting pursuits, in no particular order…..
Crocheter’s Companion by Nancy Brown- A spiral bound book for easy reference while you work

The Crochet Answer Book by Edie Eckman – I like this one so much I have both the printed and electronic versions of it

Beyond the Square Crochet Motifs by Edie Eckman- perfect for those left over bits from other projects and for a quick on the go project to keep your hands busy between life events.

Cozy Coastal Knits – you knew I had to have my own book on the shelf, right? It’s my go to for projects to knit for friends and family

Mastering Color Knitting by Melissa Leapman – A classic, hands down best reference on Colorwork, I refer to it often and love to just look through it for inspiration when I need a little extra color in my work.

Vogue Knitting by the editorial staff at Sixth and Spring – I like the clear easy to interpret illustrations and well written instructions in this book. I have a few different versions of it, this is the most recent. I keep them in my office, on the boat and yes, even one at the beach for reference. I do not have this one electronically, yet.

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