In the depths of Winter glimmers of Spring come in little bursts of cheer whether it’s a bouquet of flowers from the market, a robin in the yard, or a skein of linen yarn, we all need to find those little things in life that remind us the groundhog may have seen his shadow but the sun will come up along with the flowers. For me, you guess it, it’s linen yarn. So, if you get the winter blues, why not pick up some blue linen yarn and crochet yourself a bit of happy? If you’re already ahead of me and got started when Phil was looking for his shadow last week, here’s a little help with the assembly of one of my favorite pieces, available from the I Like Crochet web site:

featured in Flax by Fibra Natura available on the Universal Yarns Web site at
Once you complete the bodice, the sleeves and trim around the edges are added in the round so there are no seams to fuss with, just one line of slip stitch along the inside of the sleeve openings, the rest of the stitches are picked up and worked in the round. Curious about it? Check out the pattern and let me know what you think.

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