Hi, I’m Rosann, pleasure to meet you.
I started knitting while working as a management change consultant specializing in project risk management for the financial services industry. As you can imagine, I was expected to dress a certain way and play a certain role on the client sites in which I worked so there was no room for granny squares or chevron acrylic ponchos in my suitcase. Designs to suit my life were not available so I started developing them myself and sharing them with my friends.
Eventually I wanted a change, a big one, so I accepted only projects where I could learn something from my team about project management, technical writing or design so I could continue to hone my consulting skills, seeking out opportunities, identifying commonalities across multiple industries. Then I got my big break and here I am, finally using my college education in business and architecture to build in fiber not bricks for people and fiber related companies.
The most common question I receive is “Where did you find the time?” It’s easy, I made the time. While working full time to build my consulting practice there was a lot of down time, waiting, just waiting whether on hold, for a train, for a plane, for a team meeting, it really added up. I took a tip from my architectural history professor “Go no where without your sketchbook and pencils.” I started sketching concepts while others were fiddling with their phones. Sketches during the day turned into swatches at night, which developed into designs. Designs required yarn, so rather than buy blindly I began collaborating directly with yarn companies and local yarn stores. As these relationships evolved I realized there were common themes between their objectives to strengthen their companies and my skills as a consultant. Now I focus on the needs of the fiber industry facilitating solutions “from skeining to shawl”.