As the year draws to its close I find myself putting away all my 2021 samples to make room for the 2022 work to be done. It has been a really interesting year. As you know I worked on and finished the first draft of a knitting book, currently being edited, and appeared on several YouTube channels. In 2022 I am hoping to focus more of my time on how we can become more engaged as fiber artists with the art of crochet. It has always been the less popular craft, it’s time we rally together to change that. After all, there is a lot more to crochet than toilet paper dolls that scare anyone who encounters one in a dark space, on this please trust me, there is no less inviting site in the middle of the night than some scary acrylic covered roll of bathroom tissue with a doll’s torso sticking out of it.
Where do we begin this journey? With the right hooks and yarn of course more on the latter later. Personally I like to have a few different hooks available in each size because as I work I find it’s best to grip my hooks using different styles, sometimes like a pencil, others like a knife, just to keep my hands in check. As a left-handed person I also will from time to time crochet left handed rather than right. Don’t panic, my patterns are all written with the right-handed person’s perspective in mind as the vast majority of people are in fact right-handed.
To start spreading the word about crochet today, I am teaching in Q1 at the Gold Coast Knitting Retreat sponsored by my good friends at Knit in Roslyn, NY. The retreat is the 26th-27th of March and given my aversion to working on my birthday, I will be teaching on the 27th rather than the 26th as it is very difficult to teach with a mouth full of birthday cake and one’s hands engaged in opening gifts. There are still a few spots available at the retreat. Have a look at the talented people who will be there and get updates on this special gathering of fiber artists by following:

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