yarn bombed tree with logo

2024 was a busy one for private lessons and hosted events thanks to my dedicated fans and the success of Cozy Coastal Knits. I don’t post private events here so if you do want to schedule one or attend one in 2025, fill out my contact sheet here: https://firstbytedesigns.com/contact/

Well it has been busy year so what’s up for 2025? We’ll see. I’ll be working on a yarn bombing with ArtWellesley and one with the Medfield Cultural Council. I’ll be teaching for Jimmy Beans, WEBS, Stitch Source, North Fork Fiber and of course The Unruly Stitch. What would you like me to do in 2025? Drop me a note and lets see what we can do! https://firstbytedesigns.com/contact/

Upcoming classes and events:

Crochet I at WEBS – learn more here we are already under way but there are more dates to come

Crochet II at WEBS – learn more here we are already under way but there are more dates to come

March 13th at 6:30pm – Yarn Bombing Seaming Squares Class – ArtWellesley and the Wellesley Cultural Council are co-sponsoring classes at the Parish House of St. Paul’s Church. Hop on over to https://artwellesley.org/events/ to register for the classes which will take place on March 13th, April 3rd and April 10th from 6:30pm-8:30pm.

March 20th at 6:30pm – Yarn Bombing Knitting Class – ArtWellesley is sponsoring a knitting class at the Wellesley Free Library. Hop on over to https://artwellesley.org/events/  for more information We had THE BEST time in the Fall of 2024 last month working on our first squares so come help keep the momentum going! Our next class is March 20th at the library, sign up now to secure your spot, there are only 4 left!

March 24th at 7pm Eastern time – Virtual class at Jimmy Beans Wool – Crochet for Knitters – Starting something new can be difficult, but crochet isn’t something new to any fiber artist. At your core, you understand the basics of yarn, stitch counts and how to read a chart or text. In this class we will apply your existing knowledge to a new medium, crochet. Come explore the fundamentals of crochet as we work together on a simple project to foster the learning process. In our two two hour classes we will start by exploring the following; pairing of yarn and hook, gauge, the chain stitch, single crochet, double crochet, and treble crochet, all from the perspective of a knitter.

March 31st at 7pm Eastern time – Back on the screen teaching a virtual class at Jimmy Beans Wool – It’s not square to Swatch – Ok, admit it, you probably don’t like to swatch either but it is part of the creative process. It is the perfect opportunity to learn how a yarn and hook might work together, how a pattern stitch may work, and most important, gives you the opportunity to preview how your project may come together. Lets spend a few hours together, learn from each other’s class examples, discuss the ins and outs of yarn behavior and see what we can do with all those random swatches after a project is finished.

April – Dates TBA soon, I’ll be back teaching in person at The Unruly Stitch. I will still be teaching private lessons there too, contact me for details on private lessons, the group classes will be posted shortly on The Unruly Stitch web site.

April 7th at 7pm Eastern time – Virtual class at Jimmy Beans Wool – Knitting for Crocheters – Lets face it, there are times when mindlessly looking through patterns you come across something that is knit rather than crocheted and you think “If only I knew how to knit…” or you’re just downright curious why you need two needles to create something. You already have the basics – you know how to read stitches, read a chart, read a pattern, start a project, measure gauge, read a yarn label and spoiler alert – crochetists know how to do one of the most dreaded tasks in knitting, casting on, because you know how to chain! In our two two hour classes we will spend some time getting to know the ins and outs of knitting from the perspective of crochet.

April 28th at 7pm Eastern time – Another virtual class, I’ll be back at Jimmy Beans Wool – Crochet Hat in the Round – Very few simple pleasures in life are as easy as putting on a hat whether to guard against the cold, provide comfort or simply to add a splash of color to one’s wardrobe. Come along with me on this two hour adventure as we explore how to crochet a hat in the round. We’ll use a few stitches you already know, the double crochet, half double, and chain stitches all make an appearance in this project just in a different direction and by positioning the hook to pull up your stitches in unexpected locations. This is the perfect opportunity to pick up that precious skein of hand dyed DK weight yarn you have been eyeing on the Jimmy Beans website!

May 6th -9th – H+H Americas has asked me to showcase my collection on their Fashion Boulevard and to have one of my designs walk the runway during the one and only trade show in the United States dedicated to the fiber arts. While the show is only to the trade, you can take a look at the look book and follow me to learn more. If you are in the trade, I am happy to offer you a free ticket to attend the show, just drop me a line

May 18-19 – Yarn Bombing in Linden Square, Wellesley with ArtWellesley. More information can be found here on our dedicated Yarn Bombing page. Be in the know by following me on Instagram and signing up to receive my newsletter just drop me a note and I will add you to the newsletter distribution list.

2025 Dates TBD – Yarn Bombing in Medfield Massachusetts

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